Did you know that you should have your septic tank pumped every 3-5 years to ensure your septic system is working correctly? Septic systems have evolved over the past 20 to 30 years, and it's imperative to keep your system up-to-date and maintained to ensure you won't experience any septic issues. With the
advancements in water softening, antibacterial soaps, and ultra-concentrated detergents, it is hard to maintain the same eco-friendly environment in your septic system needed to promote bacterial growth. Failure to perform maintenance on your tank can lead to clogs and possible field saturation. Field line replacement is costly and can be avoided with a call to set up an appointment to have your tank pumped today.
Grease traps should be pumped yearly, quarterly, or even monthly, according to size and usage. Grease traps act as a filter, which may become clogged if left unattended. A neglected grease trap can spill grease and build up into other lines. For restaurants, this can lead to possible shutdown and loss of customers. If you feel the same for your customers as we feel about ours, you wouldn't want to leave your grease trap unattended.
PHONE: 309-787-9686
ADDRESS: 630 2nd Ave W, Milan, IL 61264
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, on call as needed
24 Hour Emergency Service Available